County Enforcement Work Plans
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DPR oversees the work of the County Agricultural Commissioners (CACs), who enforce pesticide laws locally. Staff in DPR’s three regional offices help CACs develop work plans that detail each county’s priorities in improving enforcement, compliance, and permitting. The work plans have clearly stated goals and performance measures, balancing DPR’s statewide enforcement priorities with local conditions unique to each county.
Each county has the option of submitting an annual or multi-year work plan, based on calendar year (CY). Work plans, by county, can be downloaded below.
This glossary, PDF (34 kb) contains terms and acronyms that may appear in the county enforcement work plans and is intended to help the reader understand a county’s work plan.
Indexed by County (All files are in PDF)
For content questions, contact:
Sidney Bastura
3077 Fite Circle, Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95827