SERVICE ALERT!Please be advised that pesticide registration-related search results may not be fully up to date during the transition to CalPEST. If you need access to the most recent information, you can request it through the Public Records Act. Please visit CalPEST for more information.

Welcome to the Chemical Ingredient Application

Search for Chemical Ingredient by
Partial Name, Chemical Code or CAS Number

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This query yields a list of chemical ingredient names that meets the criteria you specify below. Matches are returned with the chemical name and a highlighted chemical code, which links to a screen report with the option of current registration information from the Product/Label Database.

For best results, see detailed INSTRUCTIONS.

Search by chemical name or code

Enter 1) a full or partial chemical name, synonym, or trade name,
or 2) a DPR chemical code.
Chemical name or code should be less than 50 characters.

Search by CAS number

CAS number is a numeric designation given to a specific chemical
compound by the Chemical Abstract Service.
Enter a full or partial CAS number, with or without the dashes.
CAS number should be less than 50 characters.

If you cannot find the chemical, try U.S. EPA Office of Pesticide Program's Pesticide Chemical Search