Output Reporting

Query Parameters


17 product labels match.

Any product listed below, which includes the term "Master Label" in front of the product brand name, may not be sold or used in California.

Put a check by all the products you would like more details on.

Then, select the report format you want from the list below and press the Report button.

Report Type


Status Active / Inactive Date Product Name Registration Number Include in Report
ACTIVE 03/06/19 ALTERITY 62.5 WG 91234- 89-AA
INACTIVE 12/31/14 INSPIRE SUPER 100- 1317-AA
ACTIVE 02/07/12 INSPIRE SUPER 100- 1317-ZA
INACTIVE 12/31/15 PALLADIUM 100- 1328-AA
ACTIVE 03/28/14 PALLADIUM 100- 1328-ZA
INACTIVE 12/31/23 RYLENTIS 100- 1663-AA
INACTIVE 12/31/23 SERENVA 100- 1664-AA
INACTIVE 12/31/15 SWITCH 62.5WG 100- 953-AA
ACTIVE 08/23/13 SWITCH 62.5WG 100- 953-ZA
INACTIVE 12/31/05 VANGARD WG 100- 828-AA
INACTIVE 12/31/14 VANGARD WG 100- 828-ZA
ACTIVE 02/07/12 VANGARD WG 100- 828-ZB
INACTIVE 12/31/20 VANGO ESQ 91234- 91-AA
ACTIVE 03/07/19 VANGO WG 91234- 78-AA
ACTIVE 03/03/21 XUVANCE 89167- 81-AA- 89391
ACTIVE 01/27/21 XUVIA 89167- 84-AA- 89391